Spells and Chants

Bathing with Flower Spirits
Bathing with Flowers can be very powerful. Plants are intimately connected with water, healing and spirit medicine among other things. For this ritual you can do it any time you like, but during the full moon is ideal. Gather your fresh flowers either from your garden or the store. If you choose to use store bought flowers, be very mindful that they are not dyed, or treated with chemicals. Places like Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and your local farmers market would be a good place to start. Once your flowers are selected talk to them, spend time in meditation and tell them what you need. Healing is a great place to start as plants naturally help and nourish our bodies (With the exception of a few) Once your Flower Spirits know their intent, fill your bath with water, quartz crystal and bath salts. Before you get in hold your hands over the water and clearly speak you intent out loud, three times, then get in the warm water. While in the bath focus on healing and those things that you need to be cleansed and healed. Relax and enjoy the bath. This is a great time to call on the power of the moon, your guides and Deity to aid you in healing. When you are finished stand up, and let the water drain out of the tub and with it all that you want to remove to make room for your healing. When the water has drained all the way out, collect your flowers and return them to the earth. Repeat as necessary!

Return of the Sun Yule Blessing Water
During the Yule tide many cultures celebrate the return of the sun or the child of promise. The winter solstice marks the time when the days begin to grow longer and Sun returns to warm the earth. This month we will make a Sacred Water that will be used for Blessing and honoring the return of the Sun on the Winter Solstice. 
 You will need:
·        Distilled Water
·        Citrine or Yellow Calcite
·        1-2 drops Frankincense Oil
·        Glass Jar

1) The day before the Winter Solstice combine your Orange and Yellow colored stones with a few drops on Frankincense Oil, and water into a jar.
2) Set it out side in the morning with the sunrise.
3) Remove it and cover it with an orange or yellow cloth till your blessing.
4) At noon on the Winter Solstice, speak your blessings to the water as you pour it out onto the ground. Celebrating and honoring the return of the Sun and the days getting longer once again. 

Persephone Dark Moon Bath
Visiting natural sources of water during the colder months is not nearly as fun or warm as visiting during the summer. However you can enjoy your own sacred bath anytime. Over the next few months our sacred water section will feature a wider variety of Sacred Waters, including sacred sites and anything to do with water in its sacred nature. I hope you enjoy the new direction of this column.

Over the past month I have begun a new practice. This practice is in honor of Persephone, the dark moon and deep shadow healing. The Pomegranate is sacred to Persephone as is the rose and I have incorporated them into my practice of honoring her. This Sacred Bath Ritual can be done during the dark moon or anytime you need deep healing, a time to reflect on the shadow, or just a watery journey to the underworld. My baths all incorporate meditation and I encourage you to add this practice to your sacred bath. 

I dressed my bath with black candles, and began to fill the tub with water. As the tub filled with water, I sprinkled the black lava salt into the bath. Followed by the apple slices, rose petals and pomegranate juice. When the bath was filled, I plunged my hands in, speaking words of blessing and healing, charging my bath with the intent. I invoked Persephone and climbed in, I relaxed and grounded followed by a Pomegranate cleansing ritual. I sat in the bath, grieving, sad, and in a spiral dance with my shadow. I was ready to be cleansed by the dark and to accept my shadow. I took the pomegranates and squeezed them over my body, hearing the pops of the seeds, and watching the blood red juice flow over my face and body into the water. The walls streaked with the juice, as if blood was running down the walls, and I was transported into meditation....

You will need...
·        ½ cup pomegranate juice
·        1 apple sliced so the pentagram shows
·        1 pomegranate cut into quarters
·        1 cup Epsom or 1/2 cup black lava salt
·        Red Rose petals
*** This is a messy bath! You will need to scoop up all the seeds, apples, roses and bury them in the earth, you will also most likely need to clean your bath as well.

 Dandelion Wishing Spell
You are probably familiar with Dandelions and even wishing with their seeds, no doubt as a child you have done this! This month we are going to take the Dandelion wish even further and create a spell that uses the water of the river to carry your wishes and dreams down stream to be planted and prosper in the warmer months. This is particularly effective if the wish or desire has to do with purging or getting rid of things.
You will need:
·        A Dandelion
·        Running Water Source
·        A wish or special intent

1) Go to a river or a running water source
2) Gather a Dandelion that has gone to seed
3) Focus your intent, wish, etc into the seeded flower of the plant
4) As you focus your intent into the Dandelion, blow it into the river and let the water carry your seeds to be planted down stream
Autumn Blessing Water
You will need:
·        A Sacred Vessel
·        Water
·        Fall Leaves
·        Orange and Red colored stones. (Calcite, Carnelian, Jasper etc)

1) Start your water by cleansing your sacred vessel, ground and center.
2) Gather fall colored leaves and fall colored gemstones. Place them in your vessel.
3) Pour water over the leaf stone mixture.
4) Focus on Autumn's energies, what you are blessing and be clear about your intent. Focus this into the water, perhaps hold your hands over the water and whisper a few words.
5) When you are ready cover the bowl with a cloth and place in a safe location for 24 hours.
6) When you are ready, strain the water into a jar and add a little vodka to preserve it.
7) Use the water to bless your sacred space, altars, or any other work during the Autumn season.

Fire and Water spell for detaching and releasing
You will need:
·        A Sacred Vessel
·        Water
·        A floating candle
·        Paper and Pen

1) Start your spell by clearing your space, ground and center.
2) Pour your water into your sacred vessel.
3) Place your candle in the water and light it.
4) Focus on the things you want to release, write symbols or words on paper that represent these things. Be sure to focus on this part.
5) When you are ready burn the paper and let the ashes fall into the water.
6) Let the candle burn all the way down (This might take a few hours)
7) When the candle is burned down, dispose of the wax, and take the vessel containing the ash and water to crossroads or somewhere away from your own property. Dump the water and ash here. 

How to create Sacred Water with Silver
You will need:
·        A Sacred Vessel
·        Distilled water, or water from a sacred source
·        A silver coin or ring
1) Start your spell by clearing your space, ground and center.
2) Consecrate your sacred vessel by holding it and saying... With my breath, with my heart and with my will I consecrate this vessel.
3) Place your silver into the bowl, and begin to pour water over the silver filling the bowl up.
4) Carry your sacred vessel outside and place under the light of the full moon for 1-2 nights.
5) Retrieve your water, label it, and store it in a mason jar with a tight lid. Now it is ready to use any time you need it!
Horseshoe Crab spell for Luck and Longevity
You will need:
·        Horseshoe crab shell or photo
·        Sacred space cleansed and clean
·        A green candle
·        Sea weed or a Luck/Longevity herb (Sea Lavender is a good choice here since it is an everlasting)
1) Start your spell by clearing your space, ground and center. Then cast a circle if you use one.
2) Place your Horseshoe crab in the center of your working space
3) Place your candle directly in front of the Crab
4) Carve your intent or sigils into the green candle and place it on the altar
5) Sprinkle your sea weed or herb in a circle around both the candle and crab
6) Light your candle and chant the words below till you are satisfied (7 times is a good amount and aligns with the seven seas)
7)When you are finished, focus your intent and blow over the crab with your breath giving the spell life
8) If you need added luck or for a longer period of time, use a larger green candle that can be burned over several days and make sure to repeat this process every morning/evening till the candle is completely burned down.
9) When the spell work is complete dispose of your old wax and gather up the sea weed and/or herb and bring it to the ocean and scatter it in the water. It is really important that ONLY the plant be scattered into the ocean. Putting the wax in the ocean is not helpful and very bad for our environment.
Horseshoe crab so old and wise
Turn my life away from demise
Bless me with Luck, Love, and Life
and protect me from demise and strife.
With the Blessings of the Seven Seas
This is my will So mote it be! 

Water Blessing
By still mind and sacred heart
I conjure up the sacred arte
With healing hands and sacred speech
I bless the waters, ocean, rivers and beach
Heal our sacred waters flow
My will be done IT IS SO

Goddess Prayer
Give me wisdom to see,
Those things that are baneful and harmful to me.
Grant me the strength to graciously accept,
The things that benefit my soul and make me adept.
Grand me knowledge, wisdom and sight,
So I will know the difference between the dark and light.
I ask that each day I be beautiful, patient and smart,
So that I can weave well my spells in this art.
Each day grant me compassion, kindness, and an open heart,
So with the rise of each sun I put forth a good start.
This is my devotion this is my plee,
and in return, I honor thee.

Sisters of 9
Beautiful sisters of 9 how your light shines so divine, muse of my heart, I feel we are never apart. Mordron, Nimue, Vivian, you were there in the most ancient of land, ancient ladies of light block out the dark dark night. Rise up from Avalon, with sword of power, and healing of herbs, whispering sweet sweet little words. Morgan mother of great guard strong the deathly gate. Let those only pure of heart, enter The Isle of Apples. Calling upon you now, rise from the waters of the ancient lands, walking swiftly hand in hand. Surround me in this realm and yours, fill my heart with your love so light, block out those that stalk in the dark dark night.

Ceridwen Chant
Ceridwen, Ceridwen
Ceridwen, Ceridwen
Dark mother, dark mother
Dark mother, dark mother
Cauldron keeper, Cauldron keeper
Cauldron keeper, Cauldron keeper

Faery Chant
Faeries of Day
Faeries of Night
Bless me with your sheer delight
Though here, you always be
Open my eyes so I may see!

Traditional Witchcraft Chant 
Horse and Hattock
Horse and go
Horse and Pellitus
Ho Ho (Ho)

Manannan Chant (Traditional Chant)  
God of the Sea, to you we say
Manannan Mac Lir
Please part the veil, so that we may
Bring the wise ones here
Open up the watery gate
To the spirits domain
In your coracle, we may sail
To our hearts again. 

Heat up the summer with Aphrodisia Oil!
Base Jojoba Oil
1 Drop - Cinnamon
3 drops - clove
1 drop - ginger
2 drops - Musk
1 drop -patchouli
3 drops - vanilla
3 drops - Damiena
Because essential oils can be expensive to purchase, if you find that you are missing any of these oils or do not have them, simply put the dried herbs in a jar with a tight lid, add jojoba or  olive oil, seal and let sit for  2-4 weeks in a sunny spot. Strain through cheese cloth or a fine strainer bottle and then add the correct amount of drops to your Aphrodisia oil.