Scrying with Black Water

Scrying is gazing at an object, a black mirror, a crystal ball or a bowl of water with the intent of telling the future. Usually the practitioner will sit in a comfortable position gazing at a shiny surface until images appear in your mind’s eye or on the surface of the material you are gazing at. There are many types of divination practices out there, and scrying is probably one of the hardest. It is hard because it requires one to really let go of the mind chatter and allow the spirit world to speak to you. Many witches have a favorite scrying tool, and they can vary from a black mirror, to the surface of a lake, favorite scrying bowl, or even an obsidian ball. Truth be told any reflective surface will work! However for the sake of this blog post I will be talking about scrying with water, specifically Blk Water.
Blk water is water that is black, it is a brand name, and it is sold by the bottle most liquor stores and sell bottles. You can also visit their website here Blk Water is spring water that has been infused with Fulvic Acid, this creates a very alkaline black colored water. It is very fun to experience this black water for the first time! When you first purchase it you will notice that when the water is in the bottle the water is very black in color, but under certain lights it can look very brown. For a water witch who wants to learn how to scry this is the best water to start with! 

Scrying on black surfaces is very common in the witchcraft communities. Witches and fortune tellers have used everything from blackened mirrors, to obsidian balls to access messages from the otherworld. Perhaps you have tried to scry before with a bowl of water and it has left you wanting more, perhaps you already scry with a black mirror and just want to bring water in to your practice. Either way picking up a bottle of Blk water and using it with your sacred vessel is a great start. Blk water is mysterious and the darkness of it connects us to the nocturnal, the darker aspects of ourselves and shadow work. 

To start, find a comfortable position and prep your work space, you may choose to cleanse your space with incense, burning sage or saining with your favorite herb. Be sure you use a sacred vessel and not just any old bowl from the cupboard. Scrying with Blk water can be done in a fully lit room, but diming the lights and lighting a candle, placing it close to the bowl and letting the light dance on the surface is a wonderful way to start scrying. Start by clearing your mind and relaxing, don’t try to rush this, and don’t get too disappointed if you don’t get any images at first. It took me a good 2 years of practicing before I got good at scrying and to be honest it is still not my strongest fortune telling medium. When you are relaxed, call upon any spirits or ancestors you may work with when doing oracular work. Ask them for clear messages and the wisdom to understand the meaning of the images you see. Then allow yourself to slip into trance and let your mind wander, as you see images jot them down in your notebook, and keep a log so you can begin to sort through ego and true messages from the other side. When you are finished thank your spirits and ancestors for their messages and connect firmly with the earth and bring your mind back to the present moment.
If you have tried scrying and it has just been too frustrating for you perhaps try scrying with inks!  Inks can be a really fun way to begin to flex your scrying muscles and learn how to become great at scrying. I actually started playing with inks in water because I wanted to become better at scrying and I’m an artist,  I just happen to have some lying around and thought “Hey! If I can’t scry with the surface of the water I will try playing with the shape the ink makes.” The good news was, it worked! Years later I am much better at scrying than I was and I love playing with the different colored inks. My personal favorites are a light blue ink in clear water and Blk water with silver ink. You may need to give the water a spin if the ink is not moving, I use a chopstick for this and I just give the water a push and then sit back and watch the ink take shape.

Avalon Water Spell

Avalon is the Isle of Apples, the Mystical place of intense healing and rebirth...

So this spell is just a little rhyme that I use to help me part the Mists and journey to Avalon to heal...

I anoint my brow with the red waters of the Chalice well
I anoint my hands and feet with the white lime/calcium saturated waters of the White well

Then I whisper...

Waters of Avalon draw me near
To the place that I hold dear
by skull and stone
and Blood and bone
I part the mists
and Journey into the unknown...

Avalon Water Spell

Avalon is the Isle of Apples, the Mystical place of intense healing and rebirth...

So this spell is just a little rhyme that I use to help me part the Mists and journey to Avalon to heal...

I anoint my brow with the red waters of the Chalice well
I anoint my hands and feet with the white lime/calcium saturated waters of the White well

Then I whisper...

Waters of Avalon draw me near
To the place that I hold dear
by skull and stone
and Blood and bone
I part the mists
and Journey into the unknown...

Ritual wear

This last week I attend Estrella War which is a annual SCA event. If you dont know what the SCA is you can find information at in short it is a Medieval reenactment society. Like any group there are ups and downs. One thing that is particularly good is their obsession with creating period clothing or "garb" I have been for sometimes thinking about ritual robes. We circle with the usual hooded bag (or T-tunic) that most Wiccan and Pagans use. It is simple, affordable and easy to make. Several of my students brought up the point that they were "ugly" I  never really thought of them like that, but if you think about it, they kind of are. I chose this robe originally for several reasons. 1) This is how I was taught, and I agreed with it at the time. 2) All of my students could afford them.

So while I was at this event I saw so many beautiful dresses, in so many different styles. Many were over the top but others were flattering and functional. Now I believe that we will be keeping them for the Wicca course, it makes sense and I don't believe that one shouldn't be able to practice because they cant sew or afford the robes. Since my girls are unhappy, and I am looking for something different for the Cauldron of Avalon, we will be working with more historically accurate ritual wear. I am working hard and researching as deeply as I can all aspects of the per-christian Priestess in the British Isles. Unfortunately there isn't much information on these things. So I am left to look at other cultures, and mundane women of the time. To the left is a 12c gown. I really love this style but there was so much christian influence by this time that it is most likely not what the Priestess wore. The 2nd picture is a Viking Apron dress. We do know that the Anglo Saxon influence was very strong in the area during the 5th-9th c. Many of my girls like to veil for ritual as well. So with the help of some knowledgeable Scadians I have come up with 2 options. I do believe we will have a winter and summer "ritual wear"  both consisting of the same under tunic most likely in linen. The linen fabric is a natural fiber made from the flax plant, and is very durable. The winter will consist of the last photo a looser and longer sleeved robe, and the summer will be the viking apron dress. Now you might be thinking but these are Viking dresses, well yes you are right, but since there is little to no information on what the Cornish and Welsh were wearing at this time. This is our best guess, not only that they are flattering, functional, and I think that my girls will be happier!

There is something deeply touching about the layered look. Especially our summer look. The path of the Priestess though is one of power, is one of servitude. It is a modest path, that comes with hard work. These dresses (soon to be ritual robes) express this perfectly.

Avalon Rose Water

I have been silent for a while, I have been so busy with Henna, and Dance that I havent had time to sit and write out a blog. I seam to be out of the crazy rush of the spring now, so I have a few moments to blog. Though I havent had the time to really write, I have been busy crafting magic. One thing that I have been useing quite a bit in my personal rituals, and spell work is Rose water. 

Rose water is very easy to make. The rose water that I have been using though, is specific to Avalon. Red and White are the colors of Avalon, representing everything from the 2 sacred wells in Glastonbury, the apple, and red and white Dragons (Wales and the UK) These colors represent polarity, light and dark, death and life, up and down, etc. Since it is spring time and my Roses are in beautiful bloom I decided to harvest the Rose petals I needed straight from the garden.
I selected the Most beautiful red and white roses I could find. I gently separated their petals from the stem and rinsed them off. I then heated up some water and poured it over the rose petals. Covered and let sit for 24 hours. The next day I had wonderful Avalon Rose water! I have been using it for all sorts of things from cleansing, baths, and offerings. There is nothing like drops of rose water forming steam as it hits a red hot coal sending its essence into the other world.  

 *** If you want to keep the rose water you make unfortunately it doesn't last in its natural state. You can add a bit of  vodka to the mix and it will keep!

Avalon - Tools for the Journey

Avalon and Glastonbury have been a huge influence on my path in the past few years. With my pilgrimage to the Tor and the Chalice Well as well as my training in the Avalon Mystery School there has been much of her presence swirling in my magic and practice. It is close to the ending of the mundane year and so I am finishing up projects and getting ready to move into a new home.With this new home there is more space to work and create and more yard to grow! I am so excited!!! With the new year there is much I want to do. However I have narrowed it down to a few things. There will be a line of Water Witch Teas (of course!) The Magic Soaps will be replenished and an Aphrodite Beauty soap will be added. There will be a whole new line of Flower Power Powders. You can look for these in between Candlemass and the Spring equinox. However lets end 2013 with a trip to Avalon shall we?

Avalon is the fabled island from Aurthurian tales. Morgan La Fae, the Lady of the Lake and Author traveled there. With the popularity of the Mists of Avalon. It has earned a reputation of being a mythological island. However this is not the case. Avalon is the other world. It the summerland, it is Annwn. Avalon was first mentioned in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Brittan. Avalon is where Excalibur was forged and King Author was taken after he was mortally wounded in battle. Avalon is indeed the other world, it is magic and can be accessed by crossing the hedge.

I have been working on a Tea and Incense blend to aid with the journey to Avalon. Incorporating some of the sacred plants from Glastonbury and Avalon as well as plants that aid in journey work and second sight. (Keep reading there is a poem at the end)

Parting the Mists Tea

1 Part White Rose petals (To symbolize the white well)

1 Part Red Rose petals (To symbolize the red well)

1 Part Peppermint

1/2 Part Dried Apple (The sacred fruit of Avalon)

1/8 Part Primrose (One of the first blooms in the Spring)

1/8 Part mugwort (To aid in crossing the hedge)

and a pinch of Hawthorn Flowers (To symbolize the boarder between this world and Avalon)

Parting the Mist Incense blend

1 Part White Rose petals (To symbolize the white well)

1 Part Red Rose petals (To symbolize the red well)

1/2 Part Dried Apple (The sacred fruit of Avalon)

1/2 Part mugwort (To aid in crossing the hedge)

1/4 Part Wormwood (To aid in crossing the hedge)

9 drops of Myrrh (To symbolize the 9th wave)

and a pinch of Hawthorn Flowers and berries (To symbolize the boarder between this world and Avalon)

 While you are drinking your tea and burning your incense read this poem and drift away to Avalon...

Somewhere beyond the Hawthorn tree,

I heard lady Avalon call to me.

Whispers soft as the Primrose,

It was I she chose

I closed my eyes and began to breath,

I knew this body I would soon leave.

I counted the waves 7 and 8 to 9,

The surge I felt was divine.

I lifted up

I left my body holding my cup.

I smelled the roses across the shore

I followed the lady, I wanted more.

Surrounded by the goddesses fruit

I heard the holy well sing like a distant flute.

The White Lady appeared before my eyes

Her words I carefully listened to

I held the trance

She whispered words,

Which I knew were true.

Somewhere beyond the hawthorn tree,

I heard the lady call to me.

Past the sacred grove and the Holy well,

My trance was done and I fell.

Somewhere this side of the Hawthorn tree

I stared at a cup

Red and white blooms looking back at me...

Avalon Working

 This is a very hard blog for me to write, mainly because I dont think that these words will begin to express the powerful energy of the ritual. So lets start with a little background. Last Thursday night I was driving home from a Henna gig. I was unloading the car and happened to glance at my phone, and the time was 9:11 I smiled and  kept going. A few minutes later I went around back to water my plants. The hose is on a timer to water certain parts in the yard, I have to manually over ride it to use the hose. So as I go to do that, I look at the time on the box, and what does it say? 9:11. So I note it, because it is a bit strange, and then I go about my night. The next morning was a bit busy for me. I was finally able to sit down and go through emails. I picked up my phone and it was 9:11. This was too weird! 3 times in 12 hours I had seen 9:11. 

Now things like this are not out of the ordinary for me. I have had similar things happen, it is usually when I am working closely with the "other side" several years ago this happened with a series of dead birds, a few cauldrons and other strange things that I will not go into here. Now it is important to note that my birth numerology number is 11, and that I have worked with the Gwraggedd Annwn and the 9 sisters of Avalon etc etc for the past few years. This has been a very busy holiday season. Finishing up paintings, writing lessons, mentoring students, dedications, rituals and all sorts of things. So my personal rituals have not been as frequent. 

So I found myself on 12/12/12 thinking I NEED to do ritual. I waited for 9:11 pm that night. At about 9pm I went into ritual. I had decided that I needed to work on the floor. There was something about it that just needed to be done. Now if you read my Pashmina cone of power blog, you will know that I have begun to start using a veil in certain rituals when it is appropriate. This was one of those times. I had recently acquired a blue pashmina for this reason. I covered and knelt before my altar. I had the 9 white candles laid out for the 9 sisters/Priestess of Avalon, and 2 silver candles one on each side. This was a portal and also representational of the number 11. I used my Temple Priestess and Glastonbury incense mixed together it was divine! Right at about 9:11 I lit the blue candle in front of the statue I use as Morgen la Fae. From this candle I lit each of the white candles as well as the 2 tapers, and the fire candle on the left (acquired in Glastonbury)

Sitting solemnly I spoke, " I heard your call and I am here, I am answering" Those of you that are used to powerful rituals, magick and energy will understand when I say that at that moment I felt their presence. Chills rippled from head to toe. To my left were bottles of water that I acquired in Glastonbury and in Wales. The waters of Llyn y Fan Fach, and the White and Red wells at Glastonbury. I poured equal amounts in the chalice and drank. I called in Morgan La Fae, my Ancestor Priestess, the Priestess of Avalon, and the 9 Sisters. I anointed my brow with the sign of the crescent and entered a trance. It was then that I saw them, there before me were the majestic "Shining Ones" Oh how I had missed them. They were not just in a meditation this time, they had crossed the veil and were physically and spiritually present in the room. I asked for a bit of healing on some personal issues, and then gave them honor in an impromptu moving meditation. The meditation's message was clear, and the movement was in honor, it included bowing, and touching my brow with my hands. I finished up the ritual with a seated mediation, anointing various body parts with the water and cresent symbol. Finally I added small amounts of the sacred waters to the chalice and use them as a cleansing bath. The ritual was complete, but for me it had such deep meaning and will stay with me for ever.